WebEx Sound Issues

Creation date: 3/31/2020 7:35 AM    Updated: 3/31/2020 7:35 AM   can't hear listen sound issues speaker volume webex sound issues
Most sound issues with WebEx are caused from not having the correct microphone/headphone combo selected to be the default devices in Windows.
Some users will have a laptop that has speakers plugged into a dock with another screen. This second screen sometimes has it's own speakers, and Windows
will sometimes pick the wrong one.

If you cannot hear the other person:
  1. In the bottom right of your screen, right click the speaker icon where you would control volume.
  2. Click on "Sounds".
  3. Go to the "Playback" tab of this window.
  4. You may see several speaker options, some will be disabled or disconnected. Right click on each and select "Test".
  5. After you have found the speaker you would like to use, right click again and select "Set as Default Device".
  6. Right click the speaker once more and select "Set as Default Communication Device".

If the other person cannot hear you:
  1. In the bottom right of your screen, right click the speaker icon where you would control volume.
  2. Click on "Sounds".
  3. Go to the "Recording" tab of this window.
  4. You may see several microphone options, some will be disabled or disconnected.
  5. To find the correct one if you have multiple, try snapping your fingers near your webcam. The bar on screen should turn green.
  6. After you have found the microphone you would like to use, right click again and select "Set as Default Device".
  7. Right click the microphone once more and select "Set as Default Communication Device"