Samsung Galaxy II Password change

Phone Sync with Outlook when required to update sign in and password in Outlook.
Cant find where you go to update the sign in and password on the Samsung so that the phone will sync.

Samsung Galaxy TWO password

Accounts and Syncs
Microsoft Exchange
Account Settings
Hatch Stamping
Exchange Server Settings
In the password box please entery your network password...

Or you can try this:

Tap the Menu icon
  1. Tap Email
  2. Tap Menu key
  3. Tap More
  4. Tap Account settings
  5. Tap Incoming settings
  6. Delete existing password
  7. Enter new password
  8. Tap Next
  9. Tap Done
  10. Tap Outgoing settings
  11. Delete existing password
  12. Enter new password
  13. Tap Next
  14. Tap Done
  15. Click the Home key to return to the home screen